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Thelma Vlamis
Apr 18, 20244 min read
What Are Boundaries?
How to know what your boundaries are and why that is so important Boundaries are our yes and no's. They are the feeling of tightness and...

Thelma Vlamis
May 9, 20226 min read
Who am I?
An identity crisis, quarter life crisis or midlife crisis. According to the developmental psychologist Erik Erikson, if you haven't...

Thelma Vlamis
Mar 22, 20225 min read
How To Gain Clarity When You’re Feeling Lost
There are many areas in our life that we can feel lost with and find it hard to gain clarity towards what to do next. For example we may...

Thelma Vlamis
Mar 14, 20224 min read
How To Overcome Feeling Lost
Feeling lost can invoke worry, anxiety and a sense of helplessness. The feeling can be amplified when we work hard to achieve an outcome...

Thelma Vlamis
Mar 2, 20227 min read
What is Trauma and How To Take Your Power Back
Taking the power back with how we feel on a daily basis doesn’t mean we blame or judge ourselves for where we are in our lives today....

Thelma Vlamis
Feb 24, 20225 min read
What Creates Being Miserable and How To Overcome It
Being miserable can be one of those things that can linger as we get older and when we hit our midlife. The happiness curve research...

Thelma Vlamis
Nov 14, 20212 min read
What is Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy?
To see the world through a holistic perspective means that when you go to the doctors for a health problem you don’t end your exploration...

Thelma Vlamis
Nov 12, 20215 min read
Is your negative thinking keeping you stuck or unclear about what you want in life?
Do you focus on what is wrong with your life and how hard it is? Maybe you see the world as a bad place? With power hungry greedy people?...

Thelma Vlamis
Sep 11, 20215 min read
What It looks Like To Work With Me?
Call it coaching, counselling, psychotherapy, therapy, or whatever other name we need to call it so we can make sense of what it is that...

Thelma Vlamis
Jan 6, 20215 min read
Imperfect Action. I Am Not Academic And Struggled At School.
These blogs are not polished off professional blogs that some people have, because they have the privilege to have an editor or copy...

Thelma Vlamis
Aug 23, 20203 min read
How Tunnel Vision Impacts Our Growth
How To Come Up With Your Next Career Change Idea

Thelma Vlamis
Feb 6, 20204 min read
Reconnect To The Artist Within You.
It's not too late to comfort and encourage the artist within us through understanding what we were missing as children and what we can do...

Thelma Vlamis
Jan 14, 20203 min read
When we feel upset at work, relationships or with family what is it really telling us?
When we give our energy towards something and we want support from people who are not supportive it can feel disheartening. We can feel...

Thelma Vlamis
Oct 18, 20194 min read
Why Living By Your Values Feels Hard
Conscious living is about consciously choosing where you spend your time. Also known as living by design. We do this through...

Thelma Vlamis
Aug 30, 20194 min read
How To Avoid Fear Based Action
Why is it important to make decisions from a place of abundance and not scarcity? When we make decisions based on scarcity, we’re letting...

Thelma Vlamis
Aug 23, 20192 min read
It’s not our circumstances that stop us from getting what we want in life.
Discovering what motivates includes identifying your limiting beliefs and identifying what brings you joy. This requires a deep dive into...

Thelma Vlamis
Aug 15, 20194 min read
Is this the right way to transform my life?
Is there a wrong or right way to change things up in your life i.e. change careers, rediscover who you are and what direction you want to...

Thelma Vlamis
Apr 5, 20195 min read
Why Being Independent Doesn't Always Benefit Us
We may find ourselves at least once in our lives thinking that being independent is a strength and we don’t need anyone in our lives to...

Thelma Vlamis
Feb 1, 20198 min read
Why Taking Your First Step Towards Your Dream Is So Hard?
What is shame and how is it related to creating the life you want? Berné Browns researched shame and vulnerability for 12 years. The...

Thelma Vlamis
Oct 29, 20183 min read
5 Steps To Take Before Applying For Your Next Job.
Let's start with 11 of the most common interview questions. 1. Tell me about yourself. ... 2. What is your greatest strength? ... 3. What...
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